Laura Mitchell, former Ford model, has lived a life of luxury during her model days and shows no sign of slowing down. Her want for fancy high-end products is the basis behind the creative execution. That with the combination of the cupcake, the key product offering of her company, allowed us to create a logo fitting enough for Laura.
The brand identity exudes luxury and places her in a class of its own. The font and colors add to the level of design execution setting her brand a cut above the rest.
Provide direction for concept and creative solutions. Present to team and client new design strategies, creative elements and design layouts.
Execute design for social media, print, digital and any other requirements.
Balancing between an obvious predetermined representation of luxury and the artistic ability of baking is what lead to the creative solution.
The symbol of the icing emits a feeling of a tasty dessert. Combining this with the classical Big Caslon font and modernity of Futura STD medium pulls everything together. Maintaining the fluid creativity and the classical idea of luxury is well represented within the brands logo.
Luxury is portrayed using a pastel gold, warm gray balanced by white and black.
The brands primary color is gold followed by black with slight accents of the warm gray. The strategy delivers an upscale and luxurious look & feel.
RGB: #000000
RGB: #ffffff
RGB: #bcab74
Luxury comes in many forms. Everything from sleek designs beautiful craftsmanship and elegant visuals are words expressed regarding luxury.
Big Caslon was chosen for this brand execution. The rational is based on its dramatic contrasting strokes and bold representation, which speaks to the presence expected of the brand.
United States Marine Corps veteran turned creative problem solver. With his 10 years in advertising & marketing as a creative consultant, he has the ability to help in several categories of design and strategy.
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